Senior Pastor’s Devotional
Day 91 Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

“He prayed that he might die.”
1 Kings 19:4 NKJV

Do you feel at times that you are the only one who feels weak and vulnerable and it is an impossible situation? From the passage today, you will discover that even great man of God has their ‘weak’ moments.Do you feel at times that you are the only one who feels weak and vulnerable and it is an impossible situation?  From the passage today, you will discover that even great man of God has their ‘weak’ moments.

Elijah, the prophet of God who had experienced exponential miracles felt totally drained. He fell apart under Jezebel’s threats. Fleeing for his life, he ‘sat down under a broom tree and said, “It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life.” Yes, we ALL have our ups and downs. The issue is not whether we have those episodes but how we can learn to cope.

The moment Elijah’s focus changed from God to the enemy, he became overwhelmed. As he ran away from the situation, God did not forsake him. God was with him. Slowly, God spoke to him. This time, it wasn’t in a spectacular display. Instead, He spoke in a ‘still small voice’ (v.12).

What can we learn here for ourselves to cope and deal with those ‘down’ times?

1. Has your focus shifted from God to all the difficulties that you are dealing with? Like Peter, once our eyes are paying attention to the waves, that is the moment when we will sink.

2. Have we been spending too much time listening or dwelling on the negative? What you “feed” on is what you will get and what you will become.

3. Have you missed out on God’s ‘still small voice’? God often times may not be merely talking about how to tackle the problems but what we need to resolve within our hearts. He may actually be dealing with us before He deals with the situation. Therefore, we must learn to pay careful attention to His still small voice and allow Him to mould and correct us too.

The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps 27:1)

Ps Lawrence Yap.