It certainly feels like twelve months flew by so quickly this past year, and now we’re in 2018. As a teacher to a bunch of vibrant kids, I sometimes feel like a busy ‘mom’ who has to run various errands, manage affairs of the household and at the same time care for her kids and deal with their daily antics. (If you’re a mom and you’re reading this, I applaud you because you truly deserve all the praise and recognition for all that you do!)
If I were completely honest, I wasn’t sure if I could deal with another year of noisy children and have what feels like simple, clear instructions falling on deaf ears. But as I reflected, I was reminded that it’s exactly how we are with God many a times.
When God instructed the Israelites to move into the Promised Land (Exodus 3:8), they doubted God and continually murmured and complained. What was supposed to have taken 11 days ended up being an arduous journey which took 40 long years.
We can be such difficult, stubborn children for God to correct and deal with sometimes. With that, I also realized that God was using my students to show me my own imperfections. I was reminded that I too was unteachable and “hard to love” at times. Yet the Almighty God never ceased to shower His unconditional love upon me, and never once gave up on me.”My duty now is to love each child regardless of their background and character. It is still a work-in-progress and I have to constantly ask God to teach me how to see these precious children through His eyes, especially during moments of immense stress.”
It is in our nature as humans to choose who we want to love. Isn’t it true that in our daily lives, we tend to gravitate towards people who make us feel at ease? Some days, I found myself struggling to love the naughty, repeatedly defiant child who just wouldn’t listen no matter how many times and ways I’ve tried to reason with him. Or that one kid who goes around bullying and tyrannizing other students, which leads to numerous complaints from the parents of the others. Justified, of course, but no less challenging.
But Jesus made it clear when he said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17) Throughout my few years in education, I’ve come to learn that a child’s behavior often comes with a backstory and a triggering reason or two.
My duty now is to love each child regardless of their background and character. It is still a work-in-progress and I have to constantly ask God to teach me how to see these precious children through His eyes, especially during moments of immense stress. Are there people in your lives you find are so “unlovable” you are not sure if they’re even “worth your time and effort” anymore? Perhaps you are that special someone God has positioned to impact their lives by showing them His kindness and grace. Kathleen Harris once wrote a song “You are the only Jesus some will ever see.” Let us strive to radiate the beauty of Christ to those He has placed in our lives!
I know I am looking forward to this new term with a renewed spirit!