Hope for Hanoi, Vietnam
GMT Friendship House Newsletter (January to May 2023)
Greetings from Friendship House!
God has been so good to the children at FH. They have been staying healthy and we appreciate the staff for caring for them.
All the children have just finished their year-end exams and the majority of them are doing well and are looking forward to the summer holidays which will start in June.
The Dong Da District has recently organized a children’s forum with the theme “Children participate in building a safe living environment, friendly and healthy for children”
Thereby providing children with essential information and knowledge about children’s law in general, children’s rights and supplements, in particular, children’s right
to participate in issues related to children. The children were so happy to be able to participate in this Forum where they can demonstrate their abilities and practice
some necessary skills such as Teamwork, presentation, questioning, communication, and listening… At the same time, giving initiatives in solving problems related to the topic
“Children participate in building a safe living environment, friendly and healthy for children.
– Please pray for salvation for our children and the staff at FH
– Pray for continued good health and their upcoming summer holiday break with their family
Esther Them
GMT FH Hanoi