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Senior Pastor Devotional | 16 July 2020 | Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

Senior Pastor’s Devotional
16 July 2020 | Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

“Be strong and of good courage.”
Dt. 31:6 NKJV

Over and over in Scripture God said *“Be strong and of good courage, do not…be afraid…for the Lord…goes with you” (Dt 31:6 NKJV). This was also repeated to Joshua in Joshua 1:6 & 7. Why does God keep saying that?

To bring out the best in us! The history books are full of gifted people whose talents would have been easily overlooked. I have read that Einstein was four years old before he could speak and he started off poorly in school. Isaac Newton did poorly in grade school. A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he had “no good ideas.” Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were both college drop outs! There are lessons here: people develop at different rates. There are hidden capacities or gifting in each one of us and it is about the right timing; someone who come along side to mentor and of course God’s grace and favour upon us.

Our God always does that. He chose Joseph, a young naïve teenager and put him through the school of hard knocks and he ‘graduated’ with excellence. Moses, a stutterer was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. David, the forgotten one was chosen among all his other siblings to be the king. Paul (Saul), was a heartless persecutor until he met Jesus. Surrender yourself before God, let Him heal you of your brokenness or limitations and take you to the higher point of what you can be through Him.

Within every human being there is a God-given drive to achieve something. If you tap into that drive and demonstrate that you believe in your future in God, then you will soar with eagle’s wings.

Be strong and courageous for He has good plans for you! (Jeremiah 29:11)

Pr Lawrence Yap.

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