Charis Hope Learning Centre
Achieved 90% passes in final exams
Due to the recent Covid 19 pandemic, our students sat for their final exams in May 2022. Praise the Lord, for the first time ever, CHLC has achieved a 90% pass rate in the final exams. This is by no means a small feat as our students have had to overcome a number of hurdles. Firstly, our primary school curriculum is of a world-renowned standard. Next, our students seldom have opportunities to speak English apart from school hours. This is because most of their parents do not know how to speak English. Worst still, English is probably their second or third language.
However, with the Lord Jesus, all things are possible. All glory to Him as the results speak for themselves.
From sexual violation to speedy resettlement
In February, we received a distress call at night from a single mother of one of our students, a 14 year old girl. According to the mother, her daughter had been sexually violated by one of their neighbours. After contacting UNHCR representatives, we rushed over to the student’s home to help in any way we can. In the meantime, we also tried calling WAO (Women’s Aid Organisation) to assist in any way possible eg. providing temporary shelter for mother and children (She has two daughters).
Unfortunately, WAO could not admit them to stay the night as it was way past their admittance hours. As it was dangerous for the family to stay in their rented room, we had no choice but to allow them to sleep in the school that night. The affected teenager was very grateful as she mentioned that she felt safe in the school. The next day, WAO and UNHCR contacted the mother to offer legal advice and help in any way they could. Sadly, like most refugees, the mother was reluctant to make a police report. She did however take WAO’s recommendation to move away from their home and went to stay with relatives quite a distance from the perpetrator.
Before this incident took place, we were assisting the family by liaising with the Australian embassy regarding the status of their resettlement as the mother could not communicate in English. Romans 8:28 says that ‘All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.’ Once the Australian embassy were informed of this incident by UNHCR, they immediately put this family’s resettlement as top priority granting them a women-at-risk visa. Soon after, they left for Australia. As with all refugees, the adults will be given training in a particular field while the children attend a school close to their home. From our last telephone conversation with the family, the children really miss our love and care. All glory to God!!
Knowing English pays off in the world of glamour
Recently, a former Myanmar student of CHLC shared with us how learning English paid off in more ways than one. As her passion lies in make-up and hairdressing, she went on to learn both fields through online courses which were in English. She emphasized that she was able to pass these courses because of her learning and understanding of English through CHLC. That’s not all.
She managed to obtain a job as a make-up artist and hairdresser at a salon in KL which mostly caters to Chinese-speaking clientele. Thanks to her fluency in English and Burmese, she attracted other races who have become the salon’s regular clientele. She remarked that they feel comfortable going to the salon as they can communicate exactly what they want to her in English.
Now, this young lady has big plans to open her very own makeup and hair dressing salon. From this former student’s testimony, the verse in Jeremiah 29:11 – ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ has come to pass.
Uncompromising excellence in education glorifies our Lord
Six former students who left our school have returned to CHLC. When asked why they wanted to return, we were informed that the standards in education and teaching at CHLC are much higher than the schools they went to. Furthermore, a few of these students are now among the top achievers at the recently concluded quarterly assessment.
As always, we covet your prayers. Pray for us that the Lord’s wisdom continue to be the lamp to our feet and the light to our path as we keep sowing the Word in the lives of our students so that they may bear much fruit for His glory and honour. Amen.