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Charis Hope Learning Centre

Charis Hope Learning Centre

  1. Adopting online education – In 2021, schools were forced to close due to the Covid 19 pandemic. This situation mirrored the circumstances surrounding the pandemic in 2020. As in 2020 and now in 2021, Charis Hope Learning Centre (CHLC) adapted to school closures by ensuring the continuation of teaching and learning by utilizing online platforms such as Zoom.
  2. Volunteer teachers also competent to teach online – Two teachers who never had any prior knowledge of using online platforms were introduced to Zoom. With just a one-time step by step instruction on how to use set up and utilize Zoom for teaching, they are now quite competent in scheduling Zoom classes as well as teaching and managing CHLC students during online lessons.
  3. Enrollment – During the latest school closure, 5 new students have enrolled at CHLC’s online classroom. That’s not all. The world-class standard of CHLC’s curriculum (Singapore curriculum) has enabled two Std 5 teenage students to pass pre-IGCSE exams and pursue the IGCSE program. Sadly, they had to leave CHLC. In addition, five teenage students from Stds 3 and 4 have passed entry tests to secondary schools and are now studying at these educational institutions.