by Pastor Nora Catipon
October 14, 2020 is my 26th year of ministry in Cambodia. There are so much to thank God for, and one of them is the partnership with Charis Christian Centre (Charis). My life and ministry here would not be the same if I had not known Charis. I will always be grateful to God for Charis’ faithful support in prayer and financial giving for me and my ministries here. Doing ministry in Cambodia is challenging during this pandemic but you have stood by me and enabled me to continue the ministry despite of this challenge.
Lighthouse Shining Stars
It was in mid-March when the Department of Education announced the closure of all schools after a foreigner who is the principal of a private school here was tested positive of Covid-19. Due to the closure, our preschool had no income to pay the monthly rental of $1,300. It was a heavy burden to me and the preschool. Thankfully, the owner agreed to reduce 50% of the rental. Through the initiative of Rev. Lawrence Yap, Charis sent us a donation to pay for the monthly rental during the closure of the schools. Some of the funds will be utilised to renovate the school in order to abide by
the health protocols required by the Department of Health. We hope to reopen the school by end of October after the renovation.
Cambodia School of Missions (CSM)
Two days after the closure of all the schools, the Government announced the suspension of all physical religious gatherings. We had to send students home, even those who have just studied for one day in this term. After 2 months, classes resumed. However not all students came back at the same time due to health protocols. Charis’ financial support enabled us to continue training the pastors and church planters who were faced with financial challenges during this pandemic. This gesture boosted their morale in continuing to fulfil God’s calling in their lives.
Lighthouse Christian Assembly- English Church
With the restriction of physical religious gathering, the church continued to meet in Shining Stars with 10 to 15 people only. The rest of the members joined us through Zoom. Through the missions offering of the church members and donations from others, we were able to help 350 poor families and 20 pastors and church planters who were affected financially by the pandemic.
Since September 2020, the Government allowed restricted religious activities, so we gathered together again as a church for worship. Youth ministry will resume in November. The Dorm Ministry is ongoing although a majority of the students have returned home, with 5 students currently remaining in the dorm while working part-time. The weekly cell group meetings continued. The owner of the dorm has agreed to reduce the rental fee to $340 from $680 monthly for now. When the students return, the rental may increase to the regular fee again.
Ang Snoul Church
Charis has been partnering with Lighthouse Christian Assembly in church planting efforts in Ang Snoul. The efforts, however, were not without its challenges, but the Bible says, “The gates of hell will not prevail against His church.” Ang Snoul Church was inaugurated recently where the members will meet for worship, Bible studies and children ministry. Through the leadership of Pr. Rin ‘Mom’ Linda, whom Charis is also supporting, the church has grown. They have a preschool, 3 cell groups, and home grown church workers. This church is a living testimony of Jesus’ salvation and His faithfulness to the church through Charis’ support in prayer and in giving.