
Philippines MINISTRY REPORT FOR 2021 Asia Regional Ministy Update – Philippines Operations Base PROJECT ABLAZE – PHILIPPINES BASE By the grace of God, He have brought together a group of missional young adults that now forms the Board of Trustees, Admin...

Cambodia 2022

Cambodia MINISTRY REPORT FOR 2022 Greetings, brothers and sisters in Charis Christian Centre from here in Cambodia.  I am glad to share to you what God is doing among us in our partnership here in Cambodia, despite of this challenges of this pandemic, God is still...

Vietnam 2022

Vietnam MINISTRY REPORT FOR 2022 Hope for Hanoi (Oct-Dec 2021) Hope for Hanoi (Jan-Mar 2022) Hope for Hanoi (Apr-June 2022) Ministry in Hanoi  GMT team in Hanoi wants to thank all those who are faithfully sponsoring the 60 children living in Friendship House since its...

Thailand 2022

Thailand MINISTRY REPORT FOR 2022 Shalom,  Greetings in the Lord!  And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come ~ Matthew 24:14 (ESV).   I close my eyes, I have been on a mission...

Philippines 2022

Philippines MINISTRY REPORT FOR 2022 Full Report Introduction: Vision: Seeing a self-propagating mobilization movement among the young people with the commitment, dedication, passion to reach the places and people who have not yet come into contact with the message of...