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Senior Pastor Devotional | Day 99 Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

Senior Pastor’s Devotional
Day 99 Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

“He who abides in Me..…bears much fruit.”
Jn 15:5 NKJV.

Some folks view the Christian life as a field of roses and tulips, others see it as a battlefield. The first group says, “I have enough faith I’ll never be sick, broke, or have problems.” The second group says, “I will have troubles like Job’s.”

Both the above stated views will need some alignment. When your back is to the wall financially you need faith to believe that God is “Jehovah Jireh”, the Lord who provides. When you’re battling illness you need faith to believe He’s “Jehovah Rapha”, the great physician who promises to heal. However, when both provision and healing are not forthcoming as yet, you need to believe He is “Jehovah Rohi” – He is my Shepherd and He is guiding me. Do not let the evil one to whisper doubt into your mind in regards to your lack of faith or the sins of your life. As long as you have asked the Lord to break the curses and sanctify you – it is done!

Jesus said, “He who abides in Me…bears much fruit.” Notice, the blessing comes from “abiding” and staying close to the Lord.

Don’t use your faith to belittle others. Remember the tests that you went through and what you have learned. Yes, the Christian life is a battlefield. And the level of attack is determined by the size of your God-given assignment. So in that sense, Satan’s attack is a compliment. If life is all smooth sailing, then there will be no ‘pruning’. However, you will be regularly pruned for greater fruitfulness. The truth is, your faith level is revealed and purified by hard times.

So don’t give up, and don’t collapse, for beyond this test you’ll have a testimony to God’s goodness.

Pr Lawrence Yap.

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