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Senior Pastor Devotional | Day 53 Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

Senior Pastor’s Devotional
Day 53 Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”


In this section, Paul look at himself like “the athlete” – pressing toward the finish line in the Christian race. 

All of us want to be ‘winning Christians’ and fulfill the purposes for which we have been saved. What are the essentials for winning or finishing this spiritual race successfully?

1. Philippians 3:12-13a.

 “Not that I have already obtained all this.”

By now, Paul can sit back and talk about many of his achievements since coming to know Jesus.

However, Paul do not regard that he has achieved everything and there is a ‘holy discontentment’ within him.

The Christian life is an ongoing learning experience. The moment we stop hungering to learn, stagnancy and lukewarmness will take over.

      Often in the bible, we are warned against a false estimate of our spiritual condition. 


a. Rev 3:1. Church in Sardis – Reputation of being alive but in actuality, dead.
b. Rev 3:17 Church in Laodicea – Thought that they are rich without need but actually poor and wretched. 
c. Judges 16:20. – Samson fell because of his spiritual slumber and over confidence.

Therefore, a divine dissatisfaction is essential for spiritual progress. 
-We must continue to know our heavenly Father more and more.

Just as the sportsman never stop developing himself, the believer must never stop growing.

2. Philippians 3:13a.

“But one thing I do.”

– “One thing” is a phrase that is important to the Christian life.
– “One thing thou slackest” said Jesus to the self righteous young ruler (Mark 10:21)
– “One thing is needful”, He explained to busy Martha when she criticized her sister (Luke 10:42).

Many Christians are too distracted by the ‘many things’ when the secret of progress is to focus on some things which are most important.

Since the MCO, what is the one thing that you have been trying to strengthen on? Keep working on it that it will be your healthy habit.

Paul wanted to forget what is behind. Why do you think that this is important for us too?
Our past can be the things that ‘entangle us’ or ‘weights’ that hold us back. We cannot change the past but we can learn from the past.

-We are not designed to always look at our past – even the rear mirror in our car is small…

3. Philippians 3:14.

Paul said “I press on toward the goal…”

Paul wanted to keep improving and keep moving towards the goal. His goal was to win the prize for which God has called him heavenward in Christ Jesus. (v14)

He doesn’t want to give up or slow down by whatever circumstances. This is important for us too because there will always be a temptation to quit or to slow down when things are not going our way. People backslide because of this.

A spirit of persistency and perseverance is very important.

The joy of experiencing the victory is for us! We just have to focus and persevere.

Ps Lawrence.

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