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Senior Pastor Devotional | Day 37 Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

Senior Pastor’s Devotional
Day 37 Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

1 Thessalonians 5:18
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

The Bible encourages us to always be thankful. That’s easy when God answers prayer and delivers us from problems but it is not always the case.

In our daily lives, we have 3 choices that we can make.

1) Live a thankful life for all the daily blessings.

2) To praise God regardless of circumstances.
We praise God by faith and by trusting in Him for all things.

3) We give thanks to God for good and difficult things and we ask….
…. “Father God, what can I learn from this?
…. “What do You want to teach me through this so that I may be closer to You and rejoice more fully in Your goodness?”

These are not easy questions.

But the truth is this:-

*Sometimes we can only learn the important lessons in our lives when we go through difficult times.

Think for a while what are the positive things that have come out from the MCO – for the past 35 days?

*Improved your cooking? Some have learned to cook.
*Time to work on your family relationship? It is not always easy for all but give thanks for learning patience and forbearance.
*Learned to fast and pray and spent time with God daily?
*Learned more about the Lord’s Prayer – and hearing God’s voice?

*Learned about the blessing of the spiritual family?
*Learned about the value of the Cell Groups?
*Learned about caring for others as well as being cared for?

All these are blessings that may have been forgotten!

In the midst of all these difficulties, give thanks to God and trust Him to lead you to bigger and better things.

Father God, I’m thankful for Your love and Your presence. Forgive me for grumbling when things go wrong, and remind me of how many blessings there are in the midst of the difficulties that I have encountered.


Ps Lawrence.

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