Senior Pastor’s Devotional
Day 3 Movement Restriction Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

Haggai 2:6 talks about how God will shake the heavens and the earth and whatever that can be shaken will be shaken and whatever that cannot be shaken will remain.

We are seeing and experiencing it now. As far as I know this is the greatest shaking that I know of – far supersedes the financial crisis that we had.

3 things can happen in the midst of this shaking.

1) Shaken Up.

Yes, everyone is shaken up. From governments to health and medical agencies. From political to economic; from religious groups to even atheists – everything and everyone is being shaken up.

Shaken up to grief; frustrations; fears and anger; depression to discomfort. How are you shaken up? – because the way that you are shaken up will trigger the next two responses.

2) Shaken Out.

The Bible talks about the end times where many will grow cold in their faith. (Matt.24:12). As in the days past, we had seen some of our friends who had backsliden because problems created doubts and unbelief. Tough situations can cause us to lose faith. We question as to why is this happening and what is actually happening. Jesus in a parable said the house that is built upon the rock will stand when the torrent strikes but the house that is built upon the sand will crumble. (Matt. 7:24-27) This is the shaken out.

3) Shaken In.

Crisis can cause people to seek God. This is the time when we need to check out God’s Word and you will discover that what is happening has already been warned of by our Lord. (Luke 21:9-11) As such, we are assured that God is real because His Words and warnings are coming to pass and we are in the middle of it.

Crisis can drive us ‘out’ but it also can drive us “in”

Consider for a while – yes we are shaken – but to which side?

Ps Lawrence.