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Senior Pastor Devotional | 29 July 2020 | Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

Senior Pastor’s Devotional
29 July 2020 | Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

“Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.”
Psalm 51:5

Psalm 51 is a confession that was written after David had committed adultery. In verse 5, he acknowledged that he was born as a sinner – the fact that all of us were born with the sinful nature. We do not need to be taught to tell a lie or to covet other people’s things.

Where does your behaviour come from? There are many factors as to why we do what we do and say things the way we say it.

Apart from the sinful nature that we were born with, for all of us, who and what we are is much shaped by our upbringing and what we were taught and exposed to during our younger formative years. This can determine the various struggles that we may experience in life.

If I was exposed to a violent environment, then I am shaped by that too. If I grew up in a culture where there is much anger and resentful words, then this is what I will be. If I am influenced by a negative mindset, that is what my mind will be likened too.

To deal with this weaknesses of ours, like Paul, we need to “die daily” (1 Cor. 15:31). To ‘die daily’ means to deal with our old nature. It is to “put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;” (Eph. 4:22)

This is one prayer item that we must add to our daily prayer list, and that is, to pray that the Holy Spirit will help us in our areas of weaknesses. We often pray for what we want but we seldom pray for what we need.

We need a clean heart and soul in order to ‘see’ and interpret things correctly and thus enabling us to make right choices and be a blessing to others.

Pr Lawrence Yap.

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