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Senior Pastor Devotional | 23 July 2020 | Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

Senior Pastor’s Devotional
23 July 2020 | Recovery Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

“Everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”
1 John 5:4

Do you know that NO ONE can take away your joy and peace unless you allow that to happen? The reason why some of us can so easily lose our joy is because we ALLOW the little things to bother us, for example, even a traffic jam.

If a person allows it, then something at every turn of the road will rob him of his victory, faith and his peace of mind. The evil one is always attempting to deceive and destroy God’s children. At every situation in your life, it is wise to check the seriousness of the problem and NOT TO ALLOW the enemy to get the better of you and getting you so worked up.

If you will do this and firmly exhibit your faith at the precise moment, you can actually snatch victory from defeat.

Faith can change situation, no matter how dark and difficult. Faith is not only about OVERCOMING a situation but also GOING THROUGH a dark valley. Lifting your heart to God in a moment of genuine faith in Him can quickly alter your heart towards the situation. Faith will also enable you to see things differently.

God is on His throne – no matter how circumstances look like in our life here on earth – as nothing gets out of the palm of His hand! This is what it means by “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God, that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39.

Fear, care, sin and sorrow can be defeated by our faith in God’s almighty, conquering power.

Lord, help us to have the victorious faith! Amen.

Pr Lawrence Yap.

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