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Report for 2020

Selling Chinese New Year Cookies and Moon Cake
Raised RM10,000 through the help from different churches

20thBlessing Luncheon

  • Feb 15, 2020 @ SJKC Chung Kwo
  • 700 individuals attended from over 20 organizations and community homes for the blind, old folks, OKU, single mother, kidney disease patients
  • Fellowship, having meals together, and giving RM20 angpau and love gifts to all that attended
  • Invited DannyOne (celebrity) shared his testimony

Initiatives to help the single parent families

  • From April 1sttill 31st July (4 months)
  • RM300 worth groceries and RM200 cash for each families.
  • 23 single-parent families applied but only able to help 10 families.
  • Raised RM5,328 through churches, individials of soecieties and family in Christ

Other initiatives throughout MCO

  • Medical and living fees given out – RM2,800
  • Money spent on single-parent students for academic related fees RM2,490
  • Helping families to connect with other NGOs to apply financial aids and sponsorships

2020 Mid-Autum Festival

  • Unable to sell mooncakes via churches, adapted online platoform eg. Google Form, WhatsApp and Facebook for taking orders, publicity, and courier delivery.
  • Baked 1000 mooncakes from September 15thtill 30th

Buying own property

  • Owe RM120,000 in June 30th, 2018, but has paid all the debts in August 2020
  • Plan started in 2010, completed in 2020, duration is 10 years
  • Total Amount:RM 559,562.67(Property: RM 320,000,RenovationRM 239,562.67)

Perodua Arus – 7-seated vehicle

  • A Mercedes Benz Van we got in 2001 from Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng started to have problems in 2018, after being used for 18 years. After discussing with the technician, we decided to sell it before the price gets lower over the years.
  • In 2020, we tried to apply for sponsorshop from various automobile companies, but the plan got disrupted because of this pandemic. We are currently looking into getting a Perodua Arus, and we are still raising fund for this project.


People ask whether does the organization has enough money, and how can we afford a car during this season in the pandemic. My answer to them would be, we have always been in the wilderness, and God has been providing manna to us daily. God has used the body of Christ and individuals in the society to provide for us.

Charis Christian Centre is one of the churches that has helped us throughout the years. We have experienced how God opened doors during hard times, and we are not afriad during this pandemic, and instead we will face it with courage for e believe God has walked with us step by step, and God will make a way.

Buying own property

  • Owe RM120,000 in June 30th, 2018, but has paid all the debts in August 2020
  • Plan started in 2010, completed in 2020, duration is 10 years
  • Total Amount:RM 559,562.67(Property: RM 320,000,RenovationRM 239,562.67)

Perodua Arus – 7-seated vehicle

  • A Mercedes Benz Van we got in 2001 from Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng started to have problems in 2018, after being used for 18 years. After discussing with the technician, we decided to sell it before the price gets lower over the years.
  • In 2020, we tried to apply for sponsorshop from various automobile companies, but the plan got disrupted because of this pandemic. We are currently looking into getting a Perodua Arus, and we are still raising fund for this project.


People ask whether does the organization has enough money, and how can we afford a car during this season in the pandemic. My answer to them would be, we have always been in the wilderness, and God has been providing manna to us daily. God has used the body of Christ and individuals in the society to provide for us.

Charis Christian Centre is one of the churches that has helped us throughout the years. We have experienced how God opened doors during hard times, and we are not afriad during this pandemic, and instead we will face it with courage for e believe God has walked with us step by step, and God will make a way.

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