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The Priestly Blessing | Numbers 6 | My People

by Pastor Carmen Hew

Our journey with God continues and it will never end. Jesus came and died for us and most importantly, He rose again! He is alive!

This Priestly Blessing in Numbers 6 originated from Moses’ time during their wilderness wanderings.
These were GOD’s own words that Aaron was to speak upon the Israelites throughout their journey towards the Promised Land.

24 The Lord bless you and keep you;

25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

TODAY, this Priestly Blessing is spoken over us as Benediction at the end of church services.

Open our hearts to receive, and to appropriate it into our daily living. The LORD knows our need. 
Appreciate the richness of his word in these 4 sessions:

  • Numbers 6 | My People
  • Numbers 6:24 | My Providence
  • Numbers 6:25 | My Presence
  • Numbers 6:26 | My Pardon