Senior Pastor’s Devotional
Day 79 Movement Control Order – “Strategic Psalm 91 Watch”

“We have all received…one grace after another.” Jn 1:16 AMP

“God’s grace comes to us free and clear, with no strings attached. We weren’t worthy and didn’t deserve it, but because we belong to Christ, “Out of His…(abundance) we have all received…one grace after another…spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing…favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.”

This is the result of how good He is – and not how good we are!

When you truly grasp the concept of grace:

(1) You will gain a fresh appreciation for God’s gifts and blessings to you, things like salvation and forgiveness, the gift of life, health, laughter, music, beauty, and friendship. Be thankful to Him and do not take this for granted. It is when we lose it, then only we know how to appreciate it!

(2) You will be less critical and less concerned with what other people do. When you operate in the freedom that comes with grace, you’re okay letting other people chart their own course and make decisions you may not make. Don’t be too uptight with people and make yourself miserable. In fact you will be healthier! A gracious person knows how to overlook other people’s faults. This is because he has tasted the grace of God!

(3) You will become more tolerant and less judgmental. Instead of focusing on appearance based on religious performance or piousness, and the outward dressing or style, you will look for authenticity and a genuine love for God.

(4) You will grow spiritually. David said, “He brought me out into a spacious place” (Ps 18:19 NIV). Grace expands your horizons and you will be able to look at things from a larger perspective.

How do you look at the current problems caused by the pandemic? A crisis or are there opportunities?

May His Grace be upon you!

Ps Lawrence Yap.