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Report from MEMSA

Complied by Memsa 11.10.2020

Feeding and Healing

It was a particularly hot sticky day and the Memsa team had just arrived from Cheras where they had delivered food aid items to the migrant workers there.  After a few wrong turns and with the help of Waze, they finally found the address.  Two men came down to collect the food aid items allocated for them and a few other families there.

As they were unloading, one man was smiling and beaming with joy as he carried the food items on his shoulders up the flight of stairs.  Just watching the joy on his face was enough to make up for all the tiredness and effort put into this food aid distribution program.

The various forms of MCOs during this recent Corona virus outbreak have caused thousands (or maybe millions) of people to endure hardships. And inevitably the poor are the worst affected. Over and over again, the common stories heard from our recipients were either ‘no work’ or ‘working only a few days a week’.

In response to this, Memsa started a food aid program in June with the aim of helping these poor and vulnerable.   To date, we have distributed these food aid packages to about 260 families. Each aid package consists of 5 kg of rice, 1 tray of eggs, 1 kg each of cooking oil, onions, garlic, potatoes, dhal, biscuits and 4 bars of bathing soap. A big thank you to our donors for your generosity.

Happy Valley
(13 0 15 March 2020)

Ps. 23 says ‘Even though I walk through the darkest valley’

Mention the word “valley” and the first image that comes to mind is going through difficulties or tough times.  How can a valley experience be a happy one?  Yet in the midst of the thick northern jungles of Perak there is such a place – an Orang Asli village where they sing praises and clap their hearts out to God.  It is indeed a Happy Valley!

After a 2 hours boat ride on the huge lake under the blazing hot sun, the Memsa medical team finally reached this OA village.  Very speedily, the medical and dental clinics were set up and started work.  Besides treatment, another team gave hygiene talks and head lice treatment. By the time we finished work, it was dinner time and what a sumptuous dinner we had!

The next morning, we visited a small island with about less than 30 inhabitants.  Our visit was very timely as a mother (suspected of contracting Covid-19 or TB) and 2 children there were very sick with high fever. Dr Patrick attended to them and the Pastor who ministers to them made arrangements to send the children and mother to Grik hospital for further treatment. They were confirmed to be TB-positive and were hospitalized.

By the time our team reached home in PJ or KL, we were all exhausted but also very encouraged and looked forward to the next trip.

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