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Journeying with God | God is My Strength


Latest Sermons / Recorded Audio

by Pastor Pauline Lee

God reminded me of what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:10.

“… for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses …”

When times are good and things are going smoothly, unconsciously, I may sometimes depend on my own strength to perform. I believe some of us may experience the same because when time is good and we know what we are doing, we will depend on our own understanding and wisdom to do our work. However, the danger is my strength may draw me away from God’s strength.

It is in my weakness that I draw near to God’s strength. It is just like how a toddler would look for his parent to hold his hand when he first learns to walk.

Praise the Lord! God has humbled me to embrace my weaknesses – I know that I am not creative, but He is. When I embrace my weaknesses, I draw near to Him and download from Him. He is the One who gives me the ideas and the entire process, and I follow His leading.

Being weak does not mean being useless. Being weak allows God to work through us to accomplish His will. Being in a negative situation does not mean it should paralyse us. God in His Word says, “My grace is sufficient for you. For my power is made perfect in weakness.”

His work through us is not just for us, but to show others where the strength comes from. To show who He is – who God is.

Many people cannot experience God’s power because they always want to feel strong. Here, I invite you to embrace the weakness in you. We do not need to be ashamed or to fight it with our own strength. Let God be our strength. I would like to pray for you that you can embrace your situation and ask God to show His power and His grace upon your situation.

· It can be a sickness,

· Loss of job or business,

· Lack in your skills,

· Or weakness in rejecting temptation or turning away from sin.

I believe it is difficult and fearful sometimes. In ourselves, we are unable to do so. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Draw near into His presence. Meditate on His words. Ask God what He wants us to learn and what He wants to show through us. It is in Him that we can find

· Power and also rest.

· Healing and restoration.

· Creativity and also stability.

· Meekness and strength to resist temptation.