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Bible College of Malaysia

Bible College of Malaysia

1. Graduation Report

 Graduating Class of 2022
Graduation SpeakerRev Ng Kok Kee
English Department20
Chinese Department21
BM Department8
Global University1

At our recent 61st Graduation Exercises held on 1st April; 50 students graduated from the various training programs.

2. Enrolment Report

Full-time Students14
Non-full time Students749

The statistics include students of all programs, languages, and Extension centres.

3. MPRC Report

We launched the Malaysia Pentecostal Research Centre (MPRC) headed by Dr Eva Wong in 2021. Our Inaugural Pentecostal Conference will be held on 18-19 July 2023 at the BCM campus. The main speaker is Rev. Dr. Simon Chan. Several similar conferences have been planned for 2024 and 2025.

4. Building Project Report

We need help with the Building Project which is expected to start soon. The first phase is the new office block which includes a new library and a 250-seater multipurpose hall. This first phase will be completed in 18 months. The cost is RM13 million, and we have currently received RM5 million. I would like to ask you to pray for us and to help us raise the much-needed funds.

5. Financial Report

Contribution from Academic492,774
Contribution from Love offerings1,069,510
Contribution from Others180,232
Total Income1,742,516
Total Expenditure1,887,295

*Note: BCM subsidises up to 70% of the training cost for our students


I deeply appreciate Charis Christian Centre for its partnership with BCM in the ministry of training
harvest workers for the field. Your constant prayer and regular missions support have made it possible for the college
to continue with the imperative aspect of training workers who can effectively
plant new ministries and serve the body of Christ at large.

We hope that you will consider to support us in your missions programme.
Thank you and may the Lord lead you all as you prayerfully make your missions giving designations.

Every blessing!

Submitted by,
Rev Dr Victor Lee President