22 October 2020

Journeying with God | God Is Enough pt 5

by Pastor Shirley Liang

Our journey with God continues and it will never end. Jesus came and died for us and most importantly, He rose again! He is alive!


God is enough because He is good, and He is infinite. 

Because of His deity and humanity, Jesus is enough for us to attain eternity. 

Why is it important and necessary that Jesus has two natures and essentially one in Person? There are things that are true to His divine nature that are not true to His human nature. And there are things that are true to His human nature that are not true to His divine nature.  

For instance, the human Jesus experienced hunger, but the deity Jesus could never be hungry. Matt Perman explains that, “Things that are true of one nature but not the other are nonetheless true of the Person of Christ.” 

God cannot die, but because Jesus has both human and divine nature, He did. This truth and reality have made possible for Christ to die for us. God did not stop existing. While Jesus’ divine nature did not die, but “The Person of Christ experienced death because of the union of the two natures in the one Person of Christ.” (Matt Perman) 

The death of Jesus is necessary and is the only way humans can be reconciled to God. The death of Jesus is sufficient for all sinners who have ever lived for it was not a mere human who died, but the infinite God. 

By this act initiated by God, god Himself is being reconciled to man. 

It is amazing to know that God’s creativity know no bounds. It blows our mind away when we examine the originality of God. In the Person of Christ, what God cannot do (not because of His disability or inability but rather His attributes – hungry, bleed), Jesus can. What humans cannot possibly achieve, Jesus can. What God can accomplish and has accomplished in the human Jesus, God can do it for us and to us – Jesus was resurrected, Jesus was glorified – these can be appropriated for us and to us. 

When we proclaim that “Christ is enough!” we are saying truly that is what His two natures – divine and human – mean to us! 



Christ is enough for me 

Christ is enough for me 

Everything I need is in You 

Everything I need 


I have decided to follow Jesus 

No turning back, no turning back 


The Cross before me, the world behind me 

No turning back, no turning back