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40 Days With God | In The Book of Colossians | Session 1: Faith In Christ

40 Days With God | In The Book of Colossians
Session 1: Faith In Christ

by Pastor Carmen


Brief Introduction

The Church of Colossae was founded by Epaphras who heard the gospel message from Paul in Ephesus.

The Book of Colossians is a letter written by Paul to this young church for its doctrinal content and application with the goal of Christian maturity.

One of the anchoring verses found in Colossians:

Colossians 2:6-7
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

The Theme for The Book of Colossians is “Christ Centered”.

Paul’s wise approach in countering false teachings and heresies was by presenting the fullness of Christ. The knowledge of Christ is all sufficient to expose false ideologies.

Session 1


Scripture passage: Colossians 1:1-14

Everything begins and ends with prayer.

Prayer goes hand in hand with our faith.

Our faith requires us to pray, and we pray because we have faith.

There are 3 levels to Paul’s prayers in this passage.

  1. BLESSINGS [1-2]

Paul blessed the hearers in his greetings. Likened to a prayer upon them.

Paul alluded Grace to salvation (the gospel).

When he greeted ‘Grace be to you’, he meant forgiveness, redemption, restoration, justification, glorification, the enabling and empowering grace, and likewise, be to you. The ‘saving grace’ that brings forth the ‘saving faith’.

When Paul greeted ‘Peace be to you’, he meant the peace of God, the peace with God, the peace with others, the peace with self.

Another aspect of PEACE is where the prophets of Old Testament speak of SHALOM the complete restored created order reconciling all things on earth and heaven to himself (Col 1:20). Jesus Christ is the Shalom ‘prophesied’, ‘fulfilled’, and ‘restored’

  1. THANKSGIVING [v.3-8]

Paul was thankful because these young believers kept their faith. He prayed for them to be anchored strongly in the gospel.

The evidence of the gospel will find the trilogy of “Faith, Love and Hope” present and powerfully changing hearts and lives wherever the Gospel spreads.

  1. INTERCEDING [9-14]

v.9, ‘we have not stopped praying’ and ‘we continually ask God’, indicate an ongoing prayer chain. That is also why, as the Church, we have Corporate Prayer Altars.

PRAYER is essential in the Christian FAITH.

  1. How Did Paul Approach Prayer?

Paul’s approach to prayer was by Faith: ‘Spirit-led’ and ‘Spirit-enabled’.

  1. We Pray Spirit-led Prayers from Knowledge
  • Informed – aware of what is happening, and aware of the Word of God
  • Holy Spirit’s prompting

We pray proclaiming the Promises in the Word of God by Faith.

  1. We Pray Spirit-enabled Prayers from Position

Our position as – Child of God, Royal priesthood, Citizen of heaven

We pray with power and authority derived from who we are in Christ.

  1. What Did Paul Intercede for the Colossians?

Paul interceded for their spiritual maturity.

  • 9 –the knowledge of God’s will”. This knowledge is the understanding of the mystery of salvation and includes our part in his kingdom plan.
  • 10 –ability to please God”, living a life worthy of him.
  • 11 –increased spiritual power”, (here in this context) not for miracles, prophesy, healing or speaking in tongues, but to achieve the 2 virtues, ie. “endurance” and “patience”.

And in the concluding verses, we are to give thanks with a joyful heart as we share in the Eternal Life inherited through our Faith in Christ.


Prayer and Faith in Christ goes hand in hand.

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” – Martin Luther