Events / Recent Happenings

Charis Fellowship

19 & 20 October 2024


06-20 Oct 2024

40 Days Fast & Prayer

7 August – 15 September

Malaysia United Firewall


Events, Prayer

“A Call to Pray for the Nation”

We are living in times of uncertainty and volatility. Although we know that God is sovereign and in control, we are called to position ourselves to build a spiritual firewall of protection, of revival and of empowerment. A firewall is a kairos season, God-ordained wall of prayer for our nation when disaster and an impending sense of despair is present. We are looking for people who are willing to be available and united in prayer – praying for the nation.

This firewall is a kairos move of God because it has an urgent love for the land, the church and it feels the pulse of our future. It is serious, private, accountable, doable, scalable yet believes in the indispensable power of corporate prayer!

I would like to call upon all Charis Christian Centre members to participate in this 24/7 national prayer chain organized by Malaysia United FireWall. We want to stand with the Malaysian churches to answer the call to unite in prayer for our nation.


我们生活在充满不确定和波动性的时代。虽然我们知道上帝是至高无上的,并且掌管一切,但我们被呼召为自己建立一个保护、复兴和赋权的属灵火墙。当灾难和逼害在眉睫的绝望感出现时,火墙是一个 KAIROS 的季节,意思是“化时为机”,是上帝为我们国家设立的祷告之墙。我们正在寻找愿意随时待命并团结一致祷告的人——为国家祷告。


我想呼吁所有基督恩典中心的弟兄姐妹参加由马来西亚合一祷告火墙在这个 24/7 的全国祈祷链。我们希望与马来西亚众教会站在一起,响应号召,为我们的国家团结祷告。